Monday, January 21, 2013

Pet Care: Sundaes for the Ratty-Roos

Rats are such smart creatures. My little menagerie includes two of these little guys. Doobie (pictured above) is my sweet little guy, while Kodo is a little more reserved (and camera shy). They really have a lot of personality. They always come to the front of the cage for a treat when we walk by. They are very interactive and really sweet. So, tonight's pet care post is dedicated to my sweet little ratty-roos.

For Christmas, I asked for a Yonanas. I had seen these cool machines at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and I knew it was just the kitchen gadget I needed. I love ice cream, but since it's so fattening, I've had to give it up for my new lifestyle. When I saw I could have ice cream consistency from frozen bananas, I was hooked on it. I started fixating on getting this new gadget. So, I was extremely happy when I opened a package from Cliff's mom and found my new Yonanas machine.

I actually just tried it out recently. I made myself frozen treat with bananas, peanut butter and Walden Farms chocolate syrup. It was so delicious. I made one for Cliff tonight, and he agreed it is quite good. Hmmm, this is starting to sound like a product review, but let me get back to the topic at hand: my ratties.

Tonight, I decided I would make sundaes for the rodents. The perfect sundae for them would be made of frozen bananas, frozen sliced strawberries and sugar-cinnamon almonds.

So, I put the frozen banana through the machine. If you haven't seen the Yonanas at work, here's what the banana looks like as ice cream.

This is a lot of banana for two rats, so I used about half the mixture and formed it into two small quinnelles (at least, as well as I could considering it's the first time I've done a quinnelle).

Then I topped each quinnelle with a sliced strawberry and sugar-cinnamon almond, using another cut up strawberry as garnish on the plate.

I presented the plate to Doobie for inspection. He immediately grabbed a bite with his little hands and begin blissfully eating away. I'd have to say these sundaes were a hit. And Cliff confirmed that Kodo was enjoying it as well.

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