Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Recipe Review: Sweet & Spicy Green Beans

While I love to cook and create delicious recipes, sometimes, I'm just not in a creative mood. So, I've decided to devote some of my blog to cooking some delicious dishes that already have a home on the internet and letting you all know what I think of them. My first post is devoted to green beans.

Tonight, I'm making turkey tenderloin with baked beans. I needed a nice green vegetable to go on the side, so after a quick internet search, I found a recipe for sweet and spicy green beans. Now, I know what you are thinking. Why would I choose to have green beans if I'm already having baked beans? Well, in my opinion, green beans and baked beans only share similarity in the word "beans". Baked beans are more of a starch while green beans are more of a vegetable. So, I really wanted to have some fresh green beans as my vegetable side.

I made a couple of substitutions in this recipe. I didn't have garlic chili sauce, so I used sriracha sauce instead. Also, in an effort to cut down on sodium, I'm using liquid aminos instead of soy sauce.

My meal turned out well.

So, here is my review of the green beans. With the exception of the substitutions, I followed the recipe exactly as it is written. I feel that the beans actually would have benefited from steaming a little longer. I steamed for 4 minutes. Then I sauteed them for almost 5 minutes before cooking them in the sauce for about 2 minutes. The beans were still quite crisp. Normally, I don't mind a little bite to my green beans, but it was just a little too much for my taste. Next time I will steam for longer.

I must say that the sauce that goes on the green beans is outstanding. I can't wait to use it as a marinade for pork chops or chicken breasts. It definitely has an Asian flair...maybe it would be good in a fried rice.

All in all, I would definitely repeat this recipe for a side dish in the future. Also, when I plugged in the information for my calorie count site, it got an A. I love getting A's.

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