Friday, February 1, 2013

Deal Day: For the Triangle Locals

I'm a big fan of Groupon and LivingSocial. I love that I can get a great deal on local services by just purchasing a coupon. I've taken advantage of these services time and again. But really, my complaint with Groupon and LivingSocial is that I have to actually make a purchase to use the coupon. I would much rather just be able to grab a coupon online to take to the restaurant, salon or other business without having to fork out the money in advance. What can I say...I'm cheap.

So, I was really excited when I found out about Save City.

Ok, I admit that the slogan is kind of cheesy. But I'm all about some free. Basically, it's a discount site for the Triangle area. My assumption of how it works is that local businesses will offer discounts on the site, and all you have to do is go to the site to print out the discount voucher. Pretty simple, and no money out of pocket prior to taking advantage of the deal. So, if you're about to go out for dinner, you can simply visit the site to see what restaurants are offering discounts, then you can print a discount to use at the restaurant you visit tonight. Groupon and LivingSocial always have like a 24-hour wait period to get your discount, which makes it doubly frustrating since you pay for something you probably want to use immediately.

But even if you didn't have the forethought to peruse Save City before you left the house, they do have an app you can download to your iPhone to still take advantage of the deals. How much more convenient can it get?

I think this site is still pretty new as they don't have a ton of deals available. But the more people who view it and recommend it, the more businesses will start using it (hopefully). So, here I am just spreading the word.

So, if you haven't checked it out, you should take a peek. What do you have to lose?

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