Sunday, January 13, 2013

What Lies Ahead

Hello, beautiful people. First, a big thank you for anyone out there who has been reading my blog. I feel it has been a little lackluster as it is mainly a recipe blog with a little pet care and refashioning thrown in for a good measure. When I created this blog, I wanted it to chronicle lots of different domestic things. Seeing as how I'm an amateur, I wanted to start teaching myself how to be a better domestic. After all, I'm getting married this year, and I aim to be a good wifey. But my blog has suffered from a lack of direction. So, I'm ready to give it some direction.

But unlike in the image above, I don't want to take us down random paths. I want my readers (if there actually are any out there) to know what to expect from day to day. So, here is a breakdown of how I plan to publish my blog in the future (starting today).

Sundays will be my day to blog about housekeeping duties. I'm going to call this "Tidying", and in these posts, I hope to not only show awesome pictures as I transform my house from dump to dope, but also to make comments about cleaning products or methods that I'm using.

Get ready for lots of before and after images.

I'm devoting my Mondays to my special little furry friends. And since I have so many different types of animals, there will be lots of interesting "Pet Care" posts to peruse. I'm planning on using these posts for recipes, cool toys and supplies that I might make for my animals, but as long as what I'm doing is in the best interest of my furballs, you never know what you might see on here.

I wish my pups would stand still long enough for me to get a shot like this.

My recipes will make their appearance on Tuesdays. I'm still labeling my recipes as "Clean Eating" because I'm striving to cook that way. If, for some reason, a recipe I create isn't as clean as it could be, I'll offer a suggestion on how to clean up whatever offending ingredient sullies the dish. 

Wholesome ingredients makes cooking fun (and challenging).

Unfortunately, creativity doesn't always strike me in the kitchen. If I could, I would make an original "Stephanie" dish every night. But, then I would probably be making mostly pasta dinners with variations on sauces, and I so want to be more creative than that. So, Wednesdays will be my "Recipe Review" days. I'll pick a random recipe (be it appetizer, side dish, entree or dessert) and give my opinion of it (i.e., ease of cooking, taste, expectations, etc.). I'll also link to it in case anyone else wants to give it a whirl.

Welcome to my virtual recipe box.

While I'm in a reviewing mode, I've decided that on Thursdays, I will offer a review about a product or service. I probably won't be reviewing restaurants, but otherwise, the door is wide open for any kind of review. I'll try to stick to things that will help me become a better domestic, but really, if I feel the product or service warrants my comments, then I'll certainly post them with my Thursday thoughts.
I'll try not to be a whiner in my reviews.

Everyone loves a great deal, right? My problem is that I rarely take advantage of good deals. So, I'm devoting my Fridays to posting about great deals I've found. These can be coupons, restaurant deals...basically, anything that's going to help me save a buck (or my sanity).
Feel free to send me deals. I'm not so good at always finding them.

And last but not least are my Saturday refashions. I'm waiting until Saturday to do my refashioning because I feel like it will probably take me some time to do those projects. But I'm really looking forward to getting back into it. The two things I made were so exciting, that I can't wait to get those creative sewing juices flowing again.
  That's Jillian, the refashionista. Her blog is what inspired me to start refashioning.

So, that's my week. And I'm always open to suggestions for things to do or try on any of these days.


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